Status in Nova Scotia
Extremely rare. Ferguson mentions several collected from Pictou County during the 1940's and 2 more from Cumberland County August 1, 1952. The first Nova Scotia records for the butterfly atlas period are from the Wallace area, July 20 2014. The
Maritimes Butterfly Atlas S-rank for this species is "S1:Extremely rare: May be especially vulnerable to extirpation (typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals)".
Flight PeriodMid-July to late August.
HabitatStreams, marshes, wet meadows.
Larval FoodplantsWillows (
Salix spp.).
Similar Species in Nova ScotiaAll four of our common hairstreaks are superficially similar. The major differences are in the patterning on the underside of the wings. See
Banded Hairstreak,
Striped Hairstreak and
Gray Hairstreak.
Further Reading