The Skippers The Swallowtails The Whites and Sulphurs The Blues and Coppers The Gossamer-wings
Nymphalidae - The Brush-foots
This large family includes the majority of butterfly species seen in Nova Scotia.
American Snout - Cape Chignecto PP, NS, 2012-07-01
American Snout
Libytheana carinenta
Photo © Kathleen F. Spicer
American Snout - Shenandoah NP, W. Va., July 26 1997
American Snout
Libytheana carinenta
Photo © Peter Payzant
Monarch - McIntosh Run, Spryfield NS, 2012-07-25
Danaus plexippus
Photo © Phil Schappert
Monarch - Apple River, NS, 2012-08-20
Danaus plexippus
Photo © Kathleen F. Spicer
Variegated Fritillary - Berwick, N.S., 2015-08-03
Variegated Fritillary
Euptoieta claudia
Photo © Ron Wilson
Great Spangled Fritillary - Conrad's Beach, NS, 2008-07-30
Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele
Photo © Phil Schappert
Great Spangled Fritillary - White Point, NS, 2009-08-15
Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele
Photo © Jim Edsall
Aphrodite Fritillary - Meagher's Grant, NS, June 27 1999
Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite
Photo © Peter Payzant
Aphrodite Fritillary - East Folly Mtn. Rd., 2012-08-27
Aphrodite Fritillary
Speyeria aphrodite
Photo © Jim Edsall
Atlantis Fritillary - Wallace Bay NWA, NS, 2012-07-18
Atlantis Fritillary
Speyeria atlantis
Photo © Phil Schappert
Atlantis Fritillary - Wallace Bay NWA, NS, 2011-07-07
Atlantis Fritillary
Speyeria atlantis
Photo © Phil Schappert
Silver-bordered Fritillary - Upper Hammonds Plains, NS, 2011-07-12
Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria selene
Photo © Jim Edsall
Silver-bordered Fritillary - Miller Rd, NS, 2012-09-02
Silver-bordered Fritillary
Boloria selene
Photo © Phil Schappert
Arctic Fritillary - Mount Pierce, NB, 2012-08-05
Arctic Fritillary
Boloria chariclea
Photo © Roy LaPointe
Arctic Fritillary - New Brunswick (square 19FN61), 2012-08-04
Arctic Fritillary
Boloria chariclea
Photo © Roy LaPointe
White Admiral - Pockwock Road, NS, 2009-07-05
White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis
Photo © Phil Schappert
White Admiral - Drysdale Bog, NS, 2011-07-17
White Admiral
Limenitis arthemis
Photo © Phil Schappert
Viceroy - East Folly Mtn. Rd., 2012-08-27
Limenitis archippus
Photo © Jim Edsall
Viceroy - East Folly Mtn. Rd., 2012-08-27
Limenitis archippus
Photo © Jim Edsall
Silvery Checkerspot - Irishtown Park, NB, 2009-06-18
Silvery Checkerspot
Chlosyne nycteis
Photo © Jim Edsall
Silvery Checkerspot - McBriety Rd., NB, 2009-06-17
Silvery Checkerspot
Chlosyne nycteis
Photo © Jim Edsall
Harris's Checkerspot - Pockwock, NS, 2011-06-20
Harris's Checkerspot
Chlosyne harrisii
Photo © Peter Payzant
Harris's Checkerspot - Pockwock Road, NS, 2009-07-05
Harris's Checkerspot
Chlosyne harrisii
Photo © Phil Schappert
Northern Crescent - Roaches Pond Park, NS, 2008-07-17
Northern Crescent
Phyciodes cocyta
Photo © Phil Schappert
Northern Crescent - Mt. Uniacke, NS, 2002-07-06
Northern Crescent
Phyciodes cocyta
Photo © Peter Payzant
Baltimore Checkerspot - Gaspereau Valley, 2002-06-20
Baltimore Checkerspot
Euphydryas phaeton
Photo © Mark Elderkin
Common Buckeye - Brier Island, NS, 2012-09-17
Common Buckeye
Junonia coenia
Photo © Ken McKenna
Question Mark - Pockwock Road, NS, 2012-07-12
Question Mark
Polygonia interrogationis
Photo © Peter Payzant
Question Mark - Pockwock Watershed Rd, NS, 2012-09-25
Question Mark
Polygonia interrogationis
Photo © Phil Schappert
Eastern Comma - Fredericton, NB, 2010-07-27
Eastern Comma
Polygonia comma
Photo © Jim Edsall
Eastern Comma - Bell Forest, NB, 2008-09-08
Eastern Comma
Polygonia comma
Photo © Jim Edsall
Satyr Comma - Bible Hill, 2005-06-14
Satyr Comma
Polygonia satyrus
Photo © Peter Payzant
Satyr Comma - Bible Hill, 2005-06-14
Satyr Comma
Polygonia satyrus
Photo © Peter Payzant
Green Comma - New Scotland Rd., NB, 2009-05-12
Green Comma
Polygonia faunus
Photo © Jim Edsall
Green Comma - Lipsett Brook Rd., NB, 2009-07-28
Green Comma
Polygonia faunus
Photo © Jim Edsall
Hoary Comma - Tabusintac Hill, NB, 2009-08-04
Hoary Comma
Polygonia gracilis
Photo © Jim Edsall
Hoary Comma - Moncton, NB, 2008-07-25
Hoary Comma
Polygonia gracilis
Photo © Jim Edsall
Gray Comma - Spryfield, NS, 2010-05-18
Gray Comma
Polygonia progne
Photo © Phil Schappert
Gray Comma - Spryfield, NS, 2010-05-18
Gray Comma
Polygonia progne
Photo © Phil Schappert
Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Kentville, NS, 2000-07-09
Milbert's Tortoiseshell
Aglais milberti
Photo © Peter Payzant
Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Kentville, NS, 2000-07-09
Milbert's Tortoiseshell
Aglais milberti
Photo © Peter Payzant
Compton Tortoiseshell - Bear's Den Rd., NB, 2010-10-06
Compton Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis l-album
Photo © Jim Edsall
Compton Tortoiseshell - Atwood's Brook, 2003-08-26
Compton Tortoiseshell
Nymphalis l-album
Photo © Grant Milroy
Mourning Cloak - Spryfield, NS, 2012-08-08
Mourning Cloak
Nymphalis antiopa
Photo © Phil Schappert
Mourning Cloak - Spryfield, 2012-08-06
Mourning Cloak
Nymphalis antiopa
Photo © Phil Schappert
Red Admiral - Miller Rd., nr blueberry fields, NS, 2012-09-14
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
Photo © Phil Schappert
Red Admiral - Waverley, NS, 2012-08-03
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
Photo © Peter Payzant
Red Admiral - Brier Island, 2013-09-20
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
Photo © Peter Payzant
Painted Lady - Dartmouth, NS, 2012-08-27
Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui
Photo © Jim Edsall
Painted Lady - Salt Marsh Trail, Bissett Rd. NS, 2012-07-03
Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui
Photo © Jim Edsall
American Lady - Roaches Pond Park, NS, 2012-08-15
American Lady
Vanessa virginiensis
Photo © Phil Schappert
American Lady - MacIntosh Run, 2012-07-15
American Lady
Vanessa virginiensis
Photo © Peter Payzant
European Peacock - Near Halifax, 2014-08-12
European Peacock
Inachis io
Photo © Peter Payzant
Northern Pearly-Eye - Pockwock, NS, 2002-07-13
Northern Pearly-Eye
Enodia anthedon
Photo © Peter Payzant
Eyed Brown - Uniacke Estate Museum Park, 2011-07-20
Eyed Brown
Satyrodes eurydice
Photo © Phil Schappert
Eyed Brown - Pockwock, NS, 2012-07-12
Eyed Brown
Satyrodes eurydice
Photo © Peter Payzant
Common Ringlet - White Point, NS, 2009-08-15
Common Ringlet
Coenonympha tullia
Photo © Jim Edsall
Little Wood-Satyr - Amherst Point, 2004-06-19
Little Wood-Satyr
Megisto cymela
Photo © Peter Payzant
Little Wood-Satyr - Amherst Point, 2004-06-19
Little Wood-Satyr
Megisto cymela
Photo © Peter Payzant
Little Wood-Satyr - Kentville, NS, 2015-06-18
Little Wood-Satyr
Megisto cymela
Photo © Mark Elderkin
Balder's Arctic - Apple River, NS, 2010-05-25
Balder's Arctic
Oeneis balderi
Photo © Kathleen F. Spicer
Balder's Arctic - New Scotland Bog, NB, 2010-06-04
Balder's Arctic
Oeneis balderi
Photo © Jim Edsall
Common Wood-Nymph - Pockwock Road, NS, 2009-08-14
Common Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis pegala
Photo © Phil Schappert
Common Wood-Nymph - Dollar Lake PP, NS, 2008-08-11
Common Wood-Nymph
Cercyonis pegala
Photo © Phil Schappert